14 September, 2007

Pulling IP Addresses and Ranges From a Snort Rule

In my previous post, I included a short Perl script to pull IP addresses from a Snort rule file. The problem with the script was that it simply stripped CIDR notation rather than expanding to all the included IP addresses. For instance, would become After a little searching, I found the Perl module NetAddr::IP that can be used to more easily manage and manipulate IP addresses and subnets. I also found an example of how to use the module for subnet expansion, among other things.

The following modification of my previous script will not only grab all the IP addresses from the snort rule, but also expand all CIDR addresses to the individual IP addresses in the CIDR range.

Edit: If you grabbed the script before September 16, then grab it again. While I was trying to make it look pretty, I must have inadvertently altered the substitution to remove the trailing CIDR notation. The current version is corrected.

# Script to pull IP address from Snort rules file
# by nr
# 2007-08-30
# 2007-09-14 Added CIDR expansion

# Set filenames
$rulefile = "/home/nr/bleeding-compromised.rules";
$ip_outfile = "iplist.txt";

# Open file to read
die "Can't open rulefile.\n" unless open RULEFILE, "<", "$rulefile";
# Open file to write
die "Can't open outfile.\n" unless open IPLIST, ">", "$ip_outfile";

# Put each rule from rules file into array
chomp(@rule = <RULEFILE>);

# For each rule
foreach $rule (@rule) {
# Match only rules with IP addresses so we don't get comments etc
# This string match does not check for validity of IP addresses
if ( $rule =~ /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/ ) {
# Remove everything before [ character
$rule =~ s/.*\[//g;
# Remove everything after ] character
$rule =~ s/\].*//g;
# Split the remaining data using the commas
# and put it into ip_address array
@ip_address = split /\,/, $rule;

# For each IP address in array
foreach $ip_address (@ip_address) {

# Match on slash
if ( $ip_address =~ /.*\/.*/ ) {

# Expand CIDR to all IP addresses in range modified from
# http://www.perlmonks.org/?displaytype=print;node_id=190497
use NetAddr::IP;
my $newip = new NetAddr::IP($ip_address);

# While less than broadcast address
while ( $newip < $newip->broadcast) {
# Strip trailing slash and netmask from IP
$temp_ip = $newip;
$temp_ip =~ s/\/.*//g;
print IPLIST "$temp_ip\n";
# Increment to next IP
$newip ++;
# For non-CIDR, simply print IP
else {
print IPLIST "$ip_address\n";

# Close filehandles
close IPLIST;

One last note. If you prefer to pass the rule file name and output file to the script at the command line every time you run it, change the $rulefile and $ip_outfile variables to equal $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[1].

1 comment:

  1. Note that I have a newer version of this script that adds support for multiple rule files and also will insert the IP addresses into a database table.
