This is the kind of post to which most people with Linux or Unix experience will say "Duh!", or even offer better ways to do what I'm doing. It's just a short shell script I use to loop through all the packet capture files on a Sguil sensor looking for specific host(s) and/or port(s). Sometimes it is easier to run a script like this and then SCP the files from the sensor to a local system instead of querying and opening the packet captures one by one using the Sguil client. This also allows more leisurely analysis without worrying about the log_packets script deleting any of the data I want to see.
Nigel Houghton mentioned that any shell script of more than 10 or 20 lines should be rewritten in Perl. Despite his advice, I do plan to switch some of my shell scripts to Perl when I get the chance. ;)
The sensorname variable works for me because my sensor uses the hostname as the sensor name. If my sensor name didn't match the actual hostname or I had multiple sensors on one host then I would have to change the variable.
The BPF expression can be changed as needed. Maybe a better way would be to set it to a command line argument so you don't have to edit the file every time you run the script. The following example uses a Google IP address and port 80 for the BPF. I most often use this script to simply grab all traffic associated with one or more IP addresses.
It may also be worth noting that I run the script as a user that has permissions to the packet captures.
#!/bin/shOne of the things I like about posting even a simple script like this is that it makes me really think about how it could be improved. For instance, it might be nice to add a variable for the write directory so it is easier to change where the output files go.
bpfexpression="host and port 80"
if [ ! -d $outdir]; then
mkdir $outdir
# For each dir in the dailylogs dir
for i in $( ls /nsm/$sensorname/dailylogs/ ); do
# For each file in dailylogs/$i dir
for j in $( ls /nsm/$sensorname/dailylogs/$i ); do
# Run tcpdump and look for the host
tcpdump -r /nsm/$sensorname/dailylogs/$i/$j -w $outdir/$j.pcap $bpfexpression
# For each pcap
cd $outdir
for file in $( ls *.pcap ); do
# If file has size of 24, it has no data so rm file
if [ "`ls -l $file | awk '{print $5}'`" = "24" ]; then
rm -f "$file"
Also, in Sguil the full content packet captures use the Unix time in the file names. If you ever had a copy of the file where the timestamp wasn't preserved, you could still find it by looking at the epoch time in the file name. For instance, with a file named "snort.log.1194141602", the following would convert the epoch time to local time:
$ date -d @1194141602
Sat Nov 3 22:00:02 EDT 2007